About Exile 2:Crystal Souls and Avernum 2
Many fans of shareware role-playing games will notice a similarity
between Spiderweb Software's classic, award-winning Exile series
and Avernum. This isn't just a coincidence ... Avernum is an ambitious
upgrade of the older series.
Avernum 2 is a major, bottom-up rewrite of Exile 2: Crystal Souls.
It will keep everything in that old game, and add a whole bunch
of new stuff:
- The same polished and easy-to-use interface and game engine
as Avernum.
- Many new characters, quests, special encounters, and other neat
stuff. There's much more dialogue and things to do in Avernum
- Much more fleshing out of the game world. More history, background,
and trivia.
In sum, if you played Exile and Exile 2 and liked Avernum, you
will probably like Avernum 2. If you didn't think Avernum was enough
of an improvement over Exile, you'll probably feel the same way
about Avernum 2. Fortunately, there will be a large, free demo,
so you can figure out whether you like the game without spending
a cent.
There will be a $10 discount for people who have registered Exile
2 (not the trilogy CD).
We are really looking forward to releasing this rewritten Exile
2. Exile 2 was, for many people, the high point of all of the Exile
games, and we really want this game to shine. Hope you like it!
- Jeff Vogel
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