Finished the adventures that come with Blades of Avernum? Want
more? This is where you should come. These free scenarios have been
created by Blades of Avernum fans and submitted for your enjoyment.
Only registered users of Blades of Avernum can play these scenarios.
- Official Blades of Avernum Scenario Pages, maintained by Spiderweb Software:
- The Unofficial Blades of Avernum Scenario Database, endorsed by us here at Spiderweb. This site is run by Tyranicus and is a well maintained list of all the current scenarios available on one convienent page.
Instructions for how to download and install
these scenarios are below. (If this is your first time downloading
a scenario or you are having problems, please read the instructions.)
Scenario Rating System: Scenarios
are rated for content (Everyone, Teen, Mature, and Adult) and for
quality (a ranking of 1 to 5, based on reviews from users). Each
scenario listing will be accompanied by its rating, so you can tell
which are the best and which are suitable for younger audiences.
Instructions For Installing
New Scenarios:
- Only registered users of Blades of Avernum can play these scenarios.
- Download an adventure by clicking on its name. If you're using
a Macintosh, select a scenario from Macintosh column, and if you're
using Windows, select a scenario from the Windows column. If your
web browser asks, tell it to save the file to disk.
- The scenarios are compressed for fast downloading. Your browser
should be smart enough to unpack them for you. (If not, on a MAC you can
use StuffIt
Expander or Unarchiver. On Windows you can use 7-Zip
to uncompress it.) You will now have a folder containing
the scenario.
- Drag the scenario folder into the Blades of Avernum Scenarios
folder, which is in your Blades of Avernum folder. (Drag the whole
folder, don't take the files it contains out of it.) NOTE:
You should not put more then 30 scenarios in the Blades of Avernum
Scenarios folder because inside the game no more then 30 scenarios
can be listed.
- Launch the game Load a party that isn't currently in a scenario
and select Enter Scenario. You can use the arrow keys at the bottom
of the adventure selection window to flip to your new adventure.