Questions from 1/17/98 to 1/20/98 1. My question is what does the "Absorb spells" monster ability do? Damage doing spells don't harm the monster. Instead, the damage is absorbed and give the monster more spell points. 2. When you are putting items into a store for sale you start with an item number and then say how many after that to include. But what if you want items from different parts of the list, like one Bronze Broadsword, one Steel Broadsword, etc. I see no way to change the item order or item number. Modify the items list. Go to the end and make a Bronze Broadsword and Steel Broadsword next to each other. 3. I can't seem to get boats placed. I put in the coordinates and nothing shows up when I test. Who knows. One of the fields must be off. 4. I also can't figure out the mechanism for importing PC's from another saved game into my scenario. Also, can they only be from a Blades scenario or can they be from any previous Exile release? Only a party made in Blades. Take a party not in a scenario, load it, and hit the Start Scenario (or whatever it was) button. 5. I have a question on Blades of Exile Scenario Editor. Is their any way to edit the name of a town after it has been made? I believe you can do this in the Town Details screen. If not, go into Edit Town Text and edit the first string. That's the town name. 6. I am busy working with my scenario and I have encountered a major problem. I have made 6 outdoor sections and they all look great except I made them too high on the grid, the top one is at X=4,Y=1 and I need to make 2 sections above it. Unfortunately, because of the way the scenarios were structured, you can't shift around or add or remove outdoor sections. Once the scenario is made, the outdoors is pretty much fixed. It's an unfortunate limitation, but there's not much I can do about it.