>I have a question on the Blades editor. The four types of breath weapon you >can give to a monster are fire (does fire damage) cold(does cold damage) >,electricity and darkness. >What is the difference between the two? Does one count as magic? Does >Darkness turn out their lamps? >Are they in fact the same thing? Certain magic items protect from fire. Others from cold. If memory serves, nothing protects from darkness. ### >I'm not ashamed to borrow! My question is, now that Nethergate is out, can we >rip-off, er, borrow artwork from Nethergate for custom graphics in Blades of >Exile? You can use Nethergate art in Blades of Exile scenarios, and ONLY in Blades scenarios. ### >Dear Mr. Vogel/Ms. Kriszan: > >I have a few things: >1. To make the illusion of moving walls (but to get it to look right they >can't it during this) change a terrain you aren't going to use into a wall. >then change the 2nd wall type into floor during runtime and change the floor >(you may have to make a 2nd floor terrain too) into a wall. Interesting idea. >2. Why won't Capture Soul/Simulacrum work? Those are my favorite spells! Upgrade to the latest version. >3. I found a way to make an underground outdoors section. create a cave >scenario or a grass scenario. Itmust be at least 1x2 or 2x1. then put a >mountain barrier on the grass side and a cave wall on the other. It isn't >perfect, but it works! This is how Exile III has both outdoor and dungeon sections. ### >I was just wondering if there was a way of re-using a stuff done flag, >ie. Every time it is accessed it simply adds 1 to the current flag. If >I'm not making sence, here's what I'm using it for: >Every time you step on this rune, your xp goes up by 100. It does this >25 times, then stops. I didn't want to use 27 nodes (there were 2 others >in this town, one of which did it 35 times!) so I re-used some nodes. Sure you can. There are special nodes to increment a stuff done flag, and other nodes to check if the flag has gone above a certain point. ### >In the town specs there are some speacle that say unused. What are >they for For you use put special encounters in them. ### >May we use nethergate item graphics in blades? You can use Nethergate graphics for Blades of Exile scenarios, but only Blade scenarios (not different games). ### >In the gaphics files and scenarios. you used > >a yellows fort on cave floor -zakahzi run, morog's fortress >a wall of garbage -adinitration -dying things, the gnats pit >scroll rack -cunnig cypt- za kahi run. >a wall that looks like ciruits, -the contol room, duying things > >they grraphic exists but how do i pick these graphics? they do not show >up on the list fo the editor. are tee your own custom graphics and do >you use them the same way as custom graphics? These are used as custom graphics. ### >I was wondering if stairway special nodes had to be steped on to work. I >am trying to put one in when talking to someone so that if you accept >thier mission you will be teleported to another town, but when the node >is called I get a message saying can't change town. So can I do this? >How? If not thanks anyway. You can't change towns/dungeon levels during dialogue. ### (1.) In the scenario editor, when you make a new scenario, the "world hieght/width" will not allow you to select more than 9X9. What is the problem? It just gets too big for the game to handle. There has to be an upper limit somewhere. And, believe me, 9x9 should be more than enough. Ê (2.) Could you e-mail me back some 'easier to understand' instructions on how to make custom graphics. There are piles of examples and discussions of the topic on our Scenario Workshop. We can't make it much easier than that. Ê (3.) In Exile III. When you join the Anama your mage spells are taken away. Is there a way to do this in the scenario editor? Nope. ### >How do you make a town look like it has been attack. Like in exlie III >if you don't kill the slimes in time a city might be destroyed. So >some of the walls are brocken and some crake Yes you can. There's one feature that lets you have variable town entrances depending on the value of a stuff done flag. I refer you to the documentation.