Exile II: Crystal
Souls 2.0.1 for Windows
- 1995 Eddy Award Honorable Mention for Best Shareware Game of
the Year
- ZiffNet rating - "5 of 5 stars"
- "Shareware Standout" - July 1996 Computer Player
Exile II: Crystal Souls is the sequel to the shareware hit Exile:
Escape From the Pit. Several years have passed since the events
in the first game. Now, the Empire, the cruel monolithic nation
ruling the surface world, has realized that Exile, the nation they
created, has become highly dangerous. Their troops are now being
teleported into Exile in great numbers, overwhelming the defenses
of the beleagured souls below.
There is hope, though. It comes in the form of a new, bizarre race
of creatures, who live in the deepest of the caves. Will you be
able to summon aid to your cause, before every last soul in your
homeland is wiped out?
To download Exile II, click on Download Exile II below. The file
is about 2 MB. Once you have it, run EXIL2V20.EXE to decompress
it. The file INSTALL.EXE will appear. Run it to install Exile II.
If you have version 1.0: There was a serious bug. Select
Download Exile II Upgrade, in the table below, and then go to Exile
II Upgrade Instructions.
This game might not be compatible with some certain recent versions of the Windows operating system. For more details, consult our Compatibility Guide.
This game is now free to play.
Note for Windows XP (and later) Users -"16 bit MS-DOS Subsystem" Error
Some people have had a problem with our older games not running on Windows XP. Trying to run the game gives an error similar to this one:
16-bit MS-DOS Subsystem path to the program that you are trying to start or install C:\Windows\System32\config.nt The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application.
This problem is caused by several files in your operating system being damaged. (This damage can be caused by, among other things, a Trojan horse.) More information about the problem can be found here.
We current have working versions of the damaged files available here. Download them, uncompress them, and copy them into the Windows\System32 folder.
Alternately, you can learn more about this problem and how to repair it using your Windows system disks from Microsoft.