A Fantasy Role-Playing Adventure for Macintosh
and Windows
Geneforge 3 is the next, huge installment of the Geneforge saga. In this fantasy adventure, you can explore
strange, hostile lands, choose which side you will fight for, and, as
always, make your own horde of completely obedient mutant monsters.
You have been chosen. You are one of the precious few who will be
allowed to become a Shaper. You will be given the power to create life and
mold it to serve your own needs. The whole world fears and respects the
Shapers. Your secrets are many, and your power is absolute.
But then, the disaster happened. Your school was attacked and
destroyed. Rebels and monsters begin roaming the lands, challenging the
rule of the Shapers, bringing fire and destruction with them. On your own,
in a foreign land, you will have to attain power, find allies, and discover
a way to defeat the rebels.
Or perhaps, you will join the rebels instead. Because, for some
reason, they seem very eager to recruit you ...
Geneforge 3 has a huge and open storyline. You can help one of
several factions, each with its own goals. There are dozens of different
endings. You can help the rebels, or fight them. Slay your enemies, or use
stealth and diplomacy. When you finish the game, start over, choose a
different side or tactics, and experience a completely different game. No
matter what you choose, Geneforge 3 offers an enormous adventure with
plenty of replay value.
Prior experience with the Geneforge series is completely unnecessary to enjoy Geneforge 3. System requirements: PC Running Windows 98 or later
or Macintosh running OS X 10.3.9 to 10.11, (To run on 10.12 to 10.14 please see Support Page. This game does not work on MacOS 10.15 or later.), 30 MB free RAM, 25 MB hard drive space, 800x600 screen resolution with 32 bit color. Geneforge is Universal and runs natively on Intel Macintoshes.